Iiah whelped 1 female puppy naturally early morning of the 16th August. She had a difficult labour which resulted in #2 & #3 being still born. We rushed her in for an emergency caesarean. #4 was also delivered stillborn en route to the vet. #5, #6 & #7 were born alive. #8 had already passed and miraculously, #9 was found when we returned home, cold but alive. Unfortunately, he had herniated part of his stomach and died the next day. Iiah was a really attentive mother, protective and doing a wonderful job until she pulled all her caesarean stitches out on day 3 and we had to rush her to emergency surgery late Sunday night, where she stayed at the clinic for the next week. We tried a surrogate mum on the Monday but unfortunately she didn't accept them and one of the boys was bit on the head. It didn't look like much damage, just superficial but unfortunately he died 3 days later. The remaining pups, a girl and 2 boys are doing well. We tried another surrogate when they were a week old and she took to them very well. The pups stayed with her and her litter until 2.5 weeks old, when she came down with eclampsia and subsequently, all pups had to be weaned off her. The pups have returned home but Iiah has not spent the last 2 weeks with them, she will not accept them back and her milk supply has dried. Lucky the pups have started solid food and we are alternating between solids and formula.
It has been an extremely traumatic experience for all and one that has been mentally draining. Iiah will be retired from our breeding program and will be looking for a new home in the coming months, where she can relax and just enjoy life.
Diablo went to his new home in Perth.